Couples Relationship Healing Workshop
The relationship with our partner is the most important relationship in our life.
When things don’t work out, couples turn to counselling and the usual advice they get is to change unproductive behaviour patterns, or communicate differently etc.
But when we turn to Constellation Work, we are stepping into the realm of unusual solution. With Constellation Work we see how events that happened generations ago, or the decisions made by those before us and the actions they took, are having an effect on our life and our partner relationship.
Couples come together and attract each other not only on a physical level. Each one is trying to complete something that they feel is incomplete in themselves. That explains the heady feelings of ‘love at first sight’.
In this workshop we will explore:
- What dynamics from the family system are we carrying into our relationships
- We will also understand the concept of balance, which is one of the most important concepts in a relationship and could be responsible for our troubles.
- The effect of previous significant relationships
- Unconscious loyalties that keep unhealthy patterns in place
- Are we in our right place or are we taking over someone else’s responsibilities and fate
- Who or how many are we being loyal to in our issue with our partner.
- What are some of the unconscious beliefs that are affecting your relationship
- TIME: 12.30 – 6PM
- FEES: ₹5000/-
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