I feel very strongly that i am under the influence of things or questions which were left incomplete and unanswered by my parents and grandparents and more distant ancestors. it often seems as if there were an impersonal karma within a family, which is passed on from parents to children. It has always seemed to me that i had to…….complete, or perhaps continue, things which previous generations have left unfinished.
Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
The issues we face in our life, the difficulties and challenges which stunt our growth and block our ability to have loving relationships, success in our chosen career, or an ability to live life fully – may be stemming from the unresolved traumas of our previous generations. Just like we receive the blessings, wisdom, goodwill of our ancestors, we also carry the effect of their traumas which were inflicted either on family members or others.
Even if the ancestor who suffered the trauma or caused the suffering is dead, even if his story lies submerged in silence – fragments of his life experience, memory and body sensations can live on, as if reaching out from the past to find resolutions in the mind and bodies of those living in the present.
In this training, you will:
Learn how to quickly expose the root cause behind emotions, behaviors and reactive patterns that keep your clients stuck.
Learn to recognize the Four Unconscious Themes that can affect heath, vitality, success and relationships.
Learn the Core Language® Approach—a specific method of questioning designed to quickly reveal the source of an issue.
Learn how to identify trauma language that lives beneath the client’s story.
Learn essential skills for implementing effective resolutions in one-on-one sessions.
Learn how to work with chronic illness and persistent medical conditions.
Learn how to track the words, fears, symptoms and behaviors that lead to unresolved traumas in the family history.
Learn how to distinguish the pivotal events in a Genogram
Provide clients with a context for understanding the physical, psychological and emotional symptoms they’ve been experiencing.
Provide clients with new images and healing sentences for resolution.
Learn body-centered practices based in neuroscience to ground positive experiences in the body.
Take clients to womb to heal deep rooted birth traumas and womb traumas
- Dates: April 21st – 26th
- Very early bird: – ₹45000/- February 28
- Early Bird: ₹47000/- March 21st
- Full FEES – ₹50000/-
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