Family Constellation By Ms. Ritu Kabra HELP Talks Video

For more Info visit “Family Constellation” by Ms. Ritu Kabra held on 12th May 2016. A Family Constellation is a three-dimensional group process that has the power to shift generations of suffering and unhappiness.

Theory Of Mind By Ms. Ritu Kabra HELP Talks Video

This video is a talk by Ms. Ritu Kabra 25 October 2016. Topic “Theory Of Mind “. This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP, Health Education Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming By Ritu Kabra on Health HELP Talks

This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP, Health Education Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library.

Introduction to Family Constellation and its Advantage By Ritu Kabra

Ritu Kabra shares her experience on Family Constellation & explains what is Family Constellation therapy or Systemic Constellations .


Local Speaks

‘We all have thoughts. But only what we focus on becomes a reality.’ – Ritu Kabra, a clinical hypnotherapist, on Thinking Positive

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