How can Hypnotherapy help my fear, block or phobia?

Hypnotherapy distracts your conscious mind with relaxation so that you can discuss and come to an agreement with your subconscious mind, the centre of all your feelings, habits, and memories, about how you can productively handle situations that would usually cause intense moments of stress or fear. This allows deeper thoughts and feelings to come to the surface, helping you locate and essentially become uninterested with memories of past experiences to make the positive and permanent changes you desire.

By desensitizing old memories and habits–things you may not know are there, but that get in your way, that have emotionally blocked you for years–and creating positive responses and actions you can achieve permanent change. The conscious mind knows that there is no logical reason to be afraid of spiders, for example, but the subconscious mind has attached a fear to the spider, and the subconscious fear overrides it.

Hypnotherapy - Ritu Kabra
Hypnotherapy - Ritu Kabra


Hypnotherapy can be a highly effective form of treatment for many mental, psychosomatic, and physical disorders. For example, through the use of regression techniques, an adult patient may mentally voyage back to a point in youth that was particularly troublesome, allowing the healing of old emotional wounds. Another patient can be led to understand that emotional pain has been converted to physical pain, and that the pain can be eliminated once the source has been addressed. Or, a person suffering from chronic pain can be taught to control the pain without use of medications.
There are a number of techniques for correcting dysfunctional behaviors such as self-destructive habits, anxiety disorders, and even managing side effects of various medical treatments and procedures.

By desensitizing old memories and habits–things you may not know are there, but that get in your way, that have emotionally blocked you for years–and creating positive responses and actions you can achieve permanent change. The conscious mind knows that there is no logical reason to be afraid of spiders, for example, but the subconscious mind has attached a fear to the spider, and the subconscious fear overrides it.

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