Business and Organisational Constellations Training


Overview of the program
1) Introduction, differences between family and organizational constellations, what to ask in an organizational set up.
2) Evolutionary force, destiny, systemic house cleaning and house warming.
3) Orders in an organization, identifications and their effects, the liminal space.
4) Scenario constellations, product market constellations
5) Consultant constellations, working with teams, coaching work with CEO’s
6) 1st, 2nd, 3rd order interventions and supervision

This training will be conducted over 6 weeks – once a week on Saturdays. This will give the participants a chance to practice what they have learnt, with each other

The dates are:
May – 28th –  2nd June2022

The timings will be 10AM – 6PM


In addition to our trainings on Family Constellation, we also bring you Systemic Coaching as a skill, to enable your work with companies, businesses, entrepreneurs and professionals.

In this training, you will be trained to do one on one work with your clients. As a coach or a counsellor, you will be able to guide your client using systemic principles. Bringing awareness of the clients inner attitude and the systemic principles which are creating blocks in their professional growth.

You will meet your colleagues who are in the training with you, online, on a weekly basis to practice the work, and deepen your understanding of systemic phenomenology.

For whom:

This training is highly recommended for anyone who intends to increase the scope of their work from family systems, to organizational systems. If This online training is for anyone who encounters or expects to encounter coaching situations in professional life. Coaches, managers, therapists, project leaders, etc. No pre-training is required to participate.

We will work with a small group in order to give everybody enough personal attention and space to learn and reflect on the systemic attitude and coaching skills.

Intended result:

  • You will understand systems and learn how the three survival mechanisms (personal- and system conscience and evolutionary force) work
  • You will train your phenomenological systemic awareness and inner attitude
  • You will be able to open new perspectives for the client by asking systemic questions, giving the client insight into his / her systemic position and by doing interventions
  • You will be able to explain patterns and to give the client conscious insight into his or her (until then) unconscious patterns

 Some contents of the training:

  • Introduction in the systemic phenomenological approach
  • Systemic coaching vs. regular coaching
  • Systemic perception and preparation
  • Explore the mechanism of evolutionary force and destiny
  • Explore the survival mechanisms (personal and system conscience) and the principles belonging, order and exchange
  • Function of dynamics between the three mechanisms
  • Recognize different dynamics and do interventions
  • Different systemic coaching tools, such as: constellation in the imagination, tabletop constellation, constellations for consultants, scenario constellations and other forms of constellations and working with floor anchors
  • Inner attitude of a systemic coach
  • Themes in systemic perspective
  • Integration
  • Working with an actual client from outside

I will be sharing some videos & handouts in between sessions.

Hourly Schedule

Introduction, differences family & Organizational Constellations

12:30 PM - 5:00 PM IST

Evolutionary force & Destiny

Belonging & Identification

Order & Exchange

Specific forms & Processes

1st, 2nd, 3rd order interventions


May 28 2022 - Jun 02 2022


10:00 am - 6:00 pm






+971 50 4170465
[email protected]

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